Dent Dent DENT
Show Coin Info
0.00138275 USD
% Change
Market Cap
132M USD
3.64M USD
Circulating Supply
1857% from all time low
7175% to all time high
3919% from all time low
1297% to all time high

Dent Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

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What is Dent?

Dent is a decentralized platform that allows users to buy, sell, and share mobile data directly with each other. It is a kind of “mobile data marketplace” where people can decide to whom and for how much to sell their unused gigabytes.

The Dent platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts are used to securely and transparently conduct transactions with mobile data.

DENT is an ERC-20 token that is used as the internal currency on the Dent platform. DENT tokens are required to buy and sell mobile data, as well as to pay for services on the platform.

2017-2024 Coindar