Sun Token Sun Token SUN
Show Coin Info
0.01259899 USD
% Change
Market Cap
123M USD
50.6M USD
Circulating Supply
173% from all time low
527323% to all time high
188% from all time low
196% to all time high

Sun Token (SUN) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

Sun Token Events on the Chart

What is Sun Token?

The SUN platform underwent a significant upgrade to introduce decentralized stablecoin swapping, enhancing its functionality. This upgrade transformed into a one-stop platform on the TRON network, offering a combination of stablecoin swap, token mining, and self-governance. This comprehensive approach positions as a versatile and integral part of the TRON ecosystem, catering to various user needs within a single platform.

The SUN token underwent a redenomination process beginning May 26, 2021, where old SUN tokens were swapped for new ones at a ratio of 1:1000, keeping the market cap unchanged. The new SUN token functions as a multifaceted governance token within the SUN platform, akin to the CRV token of Curve DAO and the EPS token of Ellipsis. Holding SUN tokens grants various rights and benefits to its holders, including voting and governance rights within the community, value capture, and staking rewards. This redenomination and upgrade highlight SUN’s commitment to evolving and adapting to serve its community better.

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