district0x district0x DNT
Show Coin Info
0.057981 USD
% Change
Market Cap
43.5M USD
189K USD
Circulating Supply
2575% from all time low
734% to all time high
2007% from all time low
544% to all time high

district0x (DNT) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

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district0x Events on the Chart

What is district0x?

District0x (DNT) is a cryptocurrency project that powers a network of decentralized markets and communities, referred to as districts. It allows users to create and operate their own decentralized platforms known as districts within the District0x Network. The native utility token, DNT, is used to govern the different districts within the network. It provides holders with the ability to vote on decisions that affect the districts, such as its code of conduct, branding, and even the auxiliary modules that are integrated to offer additional functionality.

2017-2024 Coindar